Read stories and updates from our work with the children of Nepal. To find our old newsletters from 2003 to 2018, visit the archive! Otherwise, click in the search bar below to locate blogs on a topics you’re interested in.

Travel to Nepal with us in 2025
We are excited to be hosting our Sponsor Trip to Nepal from October 31 - November 17, 2025. We invite you to join us on this trip to experience a different culture, meet the Mitrata children, and learn more about the beautiful country of Nepal! Fill out the form at the end of the blog for more information.

A Look Behind Before Looking Ahead
2024 was a very busy year for Mitrata. As an organization, we were able to accomplish many of our goals, and we are looking forward to a new series of goals focused on providing long-term sustainability for Mitrata and BSF through at least 2030.

2024 Holiday Wish List & An Exciting Announcement
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request for support as we work to address a critical gap in our healthcare services through the rest of this year and in 2025. Please consider giving today. 100% of every monetary gift and the profits from merchandise purchases will go directly toward funding their healthcare needs.

Going Back-to-School for a Day
While in Nepal, our Sponsor Trip Participants are given the opportunity to visit a few of the schools our Sponsored Children attend. At every school we visited, sponsors were able to ask many questions, and learn more about the Nepali educational system.

Double the Contact Centers, Double the FUN!
This year, for the first time ever, the Sponsor Trip included a visit to both Contact Centers!

Jet Lag & Joy: Start to Our Nepal Adventure
Mitrata Executive Director Christine Schutz and Advisory Board member Stephanie Recht touched down in Kathmandu. The following day, Sponsorship Chair and Mitrata Board Vice President Danny Williger joined them. In their first few days, they have been quite busy!

Sponsoring Fun!
We believe fun is one of the most important aspects of a well-rounded childhood, so Mitrata and our NGO partner in Nepal, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF), make an effort to never leave out fun extracurricular activities. This summer, the BSF staff, and a few volunteering older students took the Contact Center children on a fun and educational field trip to the Kathmandu Zoo.
A Busy, Fun-Filled Two Weeks
Leena Satyal, Executive Director, and Yogesh Satyal, Board President, of BSF our NGO partner in Nepal, visited St. Louis, MO for two weeks of meetings with sponsors, our annual strategic planning meeting, and some fun times with donors, board members and staff.
Looking Forward to a Visit from Nepal
In just a few short weeks, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation's (BSF) Executive Director Leena Satyal and Board President Yogesh Satyal will be traveling to visit us here in the United States. This will be their fourth trip to St. Louis since our partnership began. Between spending time with our child sponsors, attending our 2024 Strategic Planning Meeting, and attending a Miles for Mitrata Kids 2024 picnic, their time will be packed full of events and activities!

A Mini Graduation
Recently, BSF held a “Mini” Graduation Ceremony with the 2024 Secondary Education Exam (SEE) graduates and Contact Center graduates at our new Contact Center.