Contact Center SponsorshipBecome a Contact Center sponsor and change the lives of young children in Nepal.
These children are at-risk and severely underprivileged. Many suffer from malnutrition and are behind in school. Our mission is to change that through nutritious meals, individualized education, and social support, setting them on a path to a brighter future.
Welcome to Our Contact Center
In the video below, Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children's Executive Director and Founder, Dr. Christine Schutz, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation's (BSF) Executive Director, Leena Satyal, BSF Contact Center Program Coordinator, Rachana Rajbhandari, and BSF Primary Teacher, Mina Devi Tamang introduce the Contact Center. Please watch this short video to gain a brief overview of the Contact Center program, the holistic approach followed by the program’s staff, and the impact the program has in the lives of the children and their families.
Educating poor children in Nepal is challenging. Many children live in unsafe, unhealthy homes and work to help support the family. Because they are victims of child labor or have parents who are itinerant workers, often the children are not enrolled in school. They lack school-readiness skills and are neglected and malnourished, all of which interfere with their ability to learn.
The Contact Center was created to serve these children. Here, children aged 3-10 years old are provided an educational foundation in a nurturing, loving environment, similar to the Montessori model. The children enter at the preschool level where they are taught basic skills including reading, writing and an introduction to English. They are also provided with hygiene education, healthcare and high-quality protein-rich meals and healthy snacks. After 18-24 months, many are ready to graduate from this 6 day per week program to enter school in second or third grade. When they do, they become available for child sponsorship.
Begin Your Sponsorship Journey
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We are proud to have supporters who are like family and that all begins with the first conversation. Fill out the interest form to get started!Stay Informed
You’ll receive news of program progress, videos from the Center and annual cards from the Contact Center children twice per year.Consider Your Level of Support
Would you like to give an annual gift or set up a recurring monthly gift? Every dollar counts and is greatly appreciated.
Interest Form: Learn more by contacting us below.
Contact Center Sponsorship FAQs
+ What does it mean to be a Contact Center sponsor?
Sponsoring the Contact Center program connects you to the mission and goals of readying children who have never attended school, who are illiterate, malnourished, and underdeveloped. Your support helps to fund the entire program benefiting 30 children per year. These are some of the most vulnerable children in Nepal.
+ How much does Contact Center sponsorship cost?
Contact Center sponsors may commit to any amount above $25 per month or $300 per year.
+ Does Contact Center sponsorship really help?
Absolutely! 100% of your sponsorship goes directly to benefit the Contact Center. It gives a child an educational start in life and saves a child from a life of limited education, poor nutrition, illness, and poverty. Government welfare services in Nepal are lacking for children who are poor. The conditions for children are particularly harsh, and over half of Nepal’s population are children. Over 50% of children are malnourished, and only 25% live with adequate sanitation. Less than one third of girls attend high school, and child labor is pervasive. Since 2002 when Mitrata began operating in Nepal, almost every sponsored child has completed 10th grade, and gone on to 11th and 12th grade college, university education or vocational training.
+ How is a child chosen for help?
At any given time, there is a waitlist of children who need our help. They are identified by the Contact Center staff through their work in the local communities. The child and family are interviewed and a home study is done to determine if they qualify for our help and are certified by the Nepal government as economically poor. If so, legal documents are established with the child guardian and a health and educational evaluation is performed. Every effort is made to work closely with parents/guardians to form a partnership for helping their child.
+ Can I choose one Contact Center child to support?
Contact Center sponsorship will go to the program as a whole benefiting the 30 children enrolled in our program. However, we do offer individual child sponsorships for our older children as well.