A Busy, Fun-Filled Two Weeks

Leena Satyal, Executive Director, and Yogesh Satyal, Board President, of Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF) our NGO partner in Nepal, visited Saint Louis, Missouri for two weeks of meetings with sponsors, our annual strategic planning meeting, and some fun times with donors, board members and staff of Mitrata Nepal Foundation for Children.

While visiting, Leena and Yogesh were able to spend time with our child sponsors for a cup of coffee while sharing updates on their sponsored children, their progress, and the programs in which they participate in Nepal. They were also able to meet and share updates with our out-of-town sponsors over multiple Zoom calls.

They were also able to join the 2024 Strategic Planning Meeting. They provided Mitrata’s Board of Directors with a brief history of BSF, updates on the current state of operations in Nepal, and BSF’s plans for the future. We were very thankful for their perspective and input. It was crucial to our decision making process as we discussed our strategic plan for the next five years.

In addition, to the “work” projects, they were also able to have some fun while here. Over Labor Day weekend, they visited St. Genevieve, Missouri with a few Mitrata Board Members and Staff. Board Member, and longterm Child Sponsor, Dr. Sandra Hoffmann, donated Dr. Hertich House for them to stay in while visiting. While there, the group toured the Centre for French Colonial Life, the Bolduc House Museum, and spent several hours at Masquerade on Main where they dressed up in period costumes and took fun pictures!

Leena and Yogesh also attended the Miles for Mitrata Kids (M4MK) Celebration Picnic. The picnic was a celebration of all the hard work of our 2024 M4MK participants, including Yogesh. It was an afternoon filled with friends, fun, food, and gorgeous sunshine!

A special thanks to the hosts of our many local Sponsor Coffee meetings these past two weeks, Shakira Shatoff, Pam Hughes, Jennifer Rashet, and Rick Hendin.

Thank you to our out-of-town board members who made the trip to St. Louis for our Strategic Planning Meeting.

We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to Leena and Yogesh for taking the time to meet with all our sponsors and share individualized updates on each child. We truly could no do this without their drive and dedication.


Looking Forward to a Visit from Nepal