Looking Forward to a Visit from Nepal


In just a few short weeks, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation's (BSF) Executive Director Leena Satyal and Board President Yogesh Satyal will be traveling to visit us here in the United States from August 29 - September 14, 2024. This will be their fourth trip to St. Louis since our partnership began. Between spending time with our child sponsors, attending our 2024 Strategic Planning Meeting, and attending a Miles for Mitrata Kids 2024 picnic, their time will be packed full of events and activities!

Leena and Yogesh will be spending time with Mitrata’s child sponsors at various Sponsor Coffees. These events will give our sponsors the chance to sit down in-person with Leena and Yogesh, enjoy a cup of coffee, and receive personal updates about their Sponsored Children. There will also be virtual coffees held via Zoom for our out of town sponsors!

Sponsors: Your Sponsor Coffee Invitations will arrive by email. For more information, keep an eye out for emails from Mitrata. If you are planning to attend a Coffee, please don’t forget to RSVP!

Having Leena and Yogesh’s participation in the 2024 Strategic Planning Meeting will be invaluable. Their perspective and input is crucial to our decision making process as we discuss the strategic plan for the next five years. We must take into account the current state of operations in Nepal, and BSF’s plans for the future, to reach our goals. Thankfully, during the pandemic, they were able to join us in this planning process via Zoom, but we are thrilled for them to be physically present once again.

We are so thankful for Leena and Yogesh’s dedication to the partnership between BSF and Mitrata. Taking time off work and traveling all the way to the United States from Nepal is no small task. We are very grateful for, and inspired by, the effort they consistently put into our partnership.

Keep an eye out for more information about their upcoming visit, and invitations to the many activities that will be taking place!

Welcome Back Leena and Yogesh!


A Busy, Fun-Filled Two Weeks


A Mini Graduation