Wealth, Prosperity, and a New Brother, too!
Sarita and Ishwori prepare for Laxmi Puja
Laxmi Puja is the 4th day of the wonderful 5 day holiday celebration of Tihar, and the BSF staff and Mitrata children made this celebration really special for me this year. The day of Laxmi Puja is a beautiful time in Kathmandu with lights, fireworks, music and dancing all over the city.
Clay pots used for oil candles
Much preparation goes into the lighting of candles and making elaborate designs called rangoli, to welcome Laxmi into your home. It took us a long time to make the decorations outside the BSF office and inside, to put in the candles and light them too.
Designing the rangoli
An altar to Laxmi was made and everyone received tika and sweets. Offerings of money were given to Laxmi and there was singing and dancing. It is the happiest of days, reminding us of the abundance in our lives.
Altar for Laxmi Puja at the office
It is an honor to be part of this joyous holiday time with my friends in Nepal. Everyone was honored, even Kalu, the dog at the BSF office, wearing a lovely decoration and tika!
Kalu gets honored
It a tradition for children to go out and sing and perform with Deusi Bhailo songs for money and sweets (a little like trick or treat but more elaborate performances) so we gave out money and sweets too.
Christine drops oil into a circle of protection
Bhai Tika day is the last day of celebration in Tihar and a special day for families to honor each other with love and gifts, the giving of tika and of course good food and conversation. So on this day I was honored to give tika to my new brother, Yogesh Satyal, in a special ceremony.
Christine puts tika on Yogesh
Yogesh puts tika in Christine
Puja Shah was also honored to give tika to her new brother Himal Satyal.
Puja and Himal
We were carefully guided through all parts of this ritual with the significance of remembering to treasure our brothers and sisters in the world and to widen our circle of who we call “family”. So once again, I am made to feel part of the wonderful family in Nepal; it’s memories, people, and celebration like this that always hold a special place in my heart.
— Dr. Christine Schutz, Executive Director