Read stories and updates from our work with the children of Nepal. To find our old newsletters from 2003 to 2018, visit the archive! Otherwise, click in the search bar below to locate blogs on a topics you’re interested in.

2022 Annual Report
Every year, we make sure to take the time to look back on the challenges and successes of the year before through our Annual Report. Through the 2022 Annual Report, we hope you will see just how much Mitrata has grown and achieved over the last 20 years, and how we are continually working to move forward with our strategic plan and help more children in Nepal.

Learn more about Our Partner in Nepal
Over the years, as our partnership has strengthened and Mitrata has grown, BSF has grown as well. Just recently, due to the growing number of Mitrata sponsored children, BSF expanded to add two new staff members. With the addition of new staff members and our recent website updates, it was time for updated staff profiles on the “Our Partner in Nepal” page. The page was also updated to include more information about BSF, and links to other BSF blog posts!

Farewell 2022, Hello 2023!
Board President Jim Craig reflects on everything we have accomplished in 2022 and our main goals for 2023. Thank you for your continued support!
Happy Holidays!
Dr. Christine Schutz, Executive Director, reflects on the past year’s events, including the 20th Anniversary Celebration, in-person Holiday Bazaar, and finally returning to Nepal! It was a year filled with many wonderful experiences, and it wouldn’t have been possible without YOU, our Mitrata friends.

Gertraud Wild: One of Mitrata’s First Sponsors
Although our 20th Anniversary Celebration is over, we are still taking the time to reminisce on the past 20 years. This week, we are sharing a lovely story from Gertraud Wild, one of Mitrata’s first child sponsors. Gertraud was brave enough to go with Christine on the first sponsor trip to Nepal in 2003, despite the country being in a Civil War! Keep reading to learn more about these experiences from Gertraud’s perspective:
Celebrating 20 Years of Mitrata
On Sunday, September 11, 2022 many of the friends of Mitrata gathered together to celebrate Mitrata’s 20th Anniversary. The celebration lasted from 1:00-5:00pm and was a wonderful open house that allowed Mitrata supporters to catch up with one another.

Mitrata’s Child Sponsors join Leena & Yogesh for “Sponsor Coffees”
While visiting St. Louis, Leena and Yogesh Satyal, the Executive Director and President of the Board of Directors of Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF) were able to get together with our child sponsors for a cup of coffee while sharing updates on their sponsored children, their progress, and the programs in which they participate in Nepal. As Chair of the Sponsorship Committee, Danny Williger was able to attend most of these “Sponsor Coffees.” Here’s what he had to say about the experience…
The Early Children of Mitrata
Mitrata Nepal Foundation for Children was born from Dr. Christine Schutz’s heart for the children of Nepal. Now, as we look back on the past 20 years, we see many familiar faces of our first sponsored children, though they are now young adults. These early children have now completed the program, graduated, and are working in their chosen career fields. Keep reading to hear the stories of nine of Mitrata’s early children and where they are now.
Welcome Leena and Yogesh!
It has been four years since Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation's (BSF) Executive Director Leena Satyal and Board President Yogesh Satyal have been able to visit us in the United States. Now, in just a few days, they will arrive in St. Louis! We are so excited to finally get together with them and hear first-hand updates on all the programs and children.

The Founding Advisors of Mitrata
As we continue to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Mitrata, we are also celebrating the people who have helped it become what it is today. Today we are spotlighting four individuals who were vital to the success of Mitrata.