Joining the BSF Monthly Staff Meeting
On the last Thursday of every month, our partner NGO, the Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF), staff meet to discuss issues, review children in the program, brainstorm new ideas, and solve everyday and long-term problems. Yogesh Satyal, the President of BSF, sets the tone of the meeting so the staff feel open to discuss any issues and take whatever time is needed to resolve those issues with no fixed agenda. Each staff member is given a turn to talk, meeting notes are taken, and a final document of action items are written up and distributed to everyone after the meeting.
Snacks, a special candy called Lapsi, cookies, and tea are served at these meetings, which often go on for several hours. Staff members also have the opportunity to discuss individual children when needed, which is a good way for them to cross-reference their experiences with those of different staff members. Problems that need to be resolved through the creation of policies and procedures and plans for schedules and upcoming events are also given a good amount of discussion time.
Delicious Lapsi!
It was an honor for me to participate in this most recent staff meeting and hear about the inner workings of the organization, regarding the care of our children. This is an integral part of Mitrata’s role in the oversight of our Nepal programs, and it’s always a treat for me to hear about these goings-on firsthand. Our programs have grown through the years and now include sponsorship, the Contact Center, the after-school program, and operating a transition home for several children and an apartment for our graduates to facilitate their transition to independence. Our staff members must also address any problems with childrens’ emotional, familial, academic, or health concerns, manage crises, and work individually with each child, school, and family. It is a big job to manage and coordinate the care of 127 children!
Christine with the BSF staff
I am always impressed by the family feel of the meetings and the sincerity of staff members and their devotion to quality childcare. BSF staff work everyday to protect our children from difficulties and ensure the schools and families work together, while maintaining the highest level of integrity in dealing with this vulnerable group of children from low socio-economic families. The Mitrata children face issues on a daily basis that most of us cannot imagine, yet they manage to get to school, pursue their education, and succeed in life — this all thanks to the shelter and encouragement provided by our amazing and devoted BSF staff!
— Dr. Christine Schutz, Executive Director
Meet the BSF staff:
Yogesh Satyal, BSF President
Lekhnath Poudel, Accountant
Sushma Magar, Director After-school Program
Susmita Gautam, Program Coordinator
Rachana Rajbhandari, Director of the Contact Center
Bimala Joshi, Counselor
Aleesh Baniya, Program Coordinator
Leena Satyal, Executive Director
bottom row left to right: Lekhnath Poudel, Sushma Magar, Rachana Rajbhandari, and Aleesh Baniya
top row left to right: Yogesh Satyal, Bimala Joshi, Christine!, Leena Satyal, and Susmita Gautam