Read stories and updates from our work with the children of Nepal. To find our old newsletters from 2003 to 2018, visit the archive! Otherwise, click in the search bar below to locate blogs on a topics you’re interested in.

2025 Seattle Trivia Night
Join us for the 2nd Annual Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children Seattle Trivia Night! March 8, 2025. The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center: 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Doors Open: 6:00 p.m., Trivia Begins: 7:00 p.m.

Double the Trivia, Double the Fun!
This year, for the first time ever, Mitrata held TWO Trivia Nights, one in St. Louis, MO and one in Seattle, WA. Combined, the events raised an over $40,000 for our Fund-A-Need goals!

10 Reasons Why I Believe In and Support Mitrata
My name is Amy Benson and I have been a Mitrata supporter and sponsor since 2015. This is a list of the TOP TEN reasons why I choose to give my money and energy to Mitrata.

Coming to Seattle: Mitrata Trivia Night
We are so excited to launch a brand-new event for 2024! Seattle Trivia Night will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024, at the Youngstown Cultural Arts Center in Seattle, WA. We hope to see you there!

M4MK 2021 was a SUCCESS!
We summarize the results of M4MK 2021 and hear from our fearless Team St. Louis and Team Seattle captains. What a great month it’s been! Thanks to everyone who joined us on this journey, including our fundraisers, donors, and event sponsors.