10 Reasons Why I Believe In and Support Mitrata
Amy, Pawan, and Purnima during Amy’s visit to Nepal in 2022.
“My name is Amy Benson and I have been a Mitrata supporter and sponsor since 2015. I make their videos, I have traveled to Nepal with them multiple times, and my family sponsored siblings Sarita and Rashmita, who both graduated from the program in 2021, as well as their younger siblings Pawan and Purnima. Pawan and Purnima were just little kids when we started sponsoring, and now are in 9th and 10th grade.
Mitrata, together with their Nepali partner BSF, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation, run an early education program called the Contact Center. Kids from the Contact Center then become sponsees, and are matched with a Sponsor here in the states that supports them on an ongoing basis!
Amy filming the Graduation video.
Below, you will find a list of the TOP TEN reasons why I choose to give my money and energy to Mitrata. But first, I feel its important to tell you two things about myself:
Amy filming the graduation video with some awesome helpers!
I believe in this organization with my whole heart, my whole being.
I am a long-time critic of international development.
I grew up with a dad who managed civil engineering projects for US AID in the Middle East, over years his heart was broken from seeing not just dollars and effort wasted, but opportunities to provide countries autonomy squandered, due to bureaucracy, hubris and racism.
And then my husband, Scott Squire, and I as documentary filmmakers, made promotional videos for international nonprofits for our bread and butter. We got to see the inner-workings of these organizations who wanted us to tell the story of their shiny star successes… and when we turned our cameras in a different direction toward the more messy reality of an aid organization, we were asked to stick to the script.
And, then we found Mitrata… Mitrata is not afraid to go off script —
Not afraid to go off script and embrace the complexity of what it takes to get a kid who is born into debilitating poverty through school— to understand that it is more than the graduation certificate… it is about supporting kids and their families to feel accomplished, worthy, secure and a part of something bigger than themselves.
In other words, Mitrata not only provides the basic needs that everyone in the world should have, but, Mitrata also fosters joy— and not only for the recipients of the support, but also among their supporters, like us.
Warning: If you decide to be a part of this organization, it is likely you will experience moments of pure joy.
1.NUMBER ONE: International Teamwork. Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children does not work alone. They are partnered with BSF, an already established nonprofit based in Nepal and run by Nepalis. Christine, Mitrata’s Executive Director and Founder, and Leena, the Executive Director of BSF, and their teams are always heads-together. It is not an US and a THEM. I liken it to the Super Friends… Wonder Twin Powers activate… inform of an early education program, inform of the finances to fund it!
Amy filming a video with Christine and Leena.
2. NUMBER TWO: Wrap-Around Support. Mitrata and BSF know that to support a child through school, they need wrap-around support—nutrition, school supplies, tooth brushes, their parents to be included in the educational process, mental health— Mitrata has two wonderful social workers and two phenomenal counselors on staff.
*When Sarita, our sponsee, got really sick with an abscessed cyst, it got serious fast. BSF was able to get her into a private hospital, and made sure someone she felt close to was there with her till she recovered. Mitrata made this possible with emergency funding.
Pawan and Purnima’s dad, Kumar, discovered he was HIV+, He was terrified. Bimila, BSF’s Psychosocial Counselor, immediately got him into a program that I have no doubt saved his life.
3. NUMBER THREE: Every Mitrata child is considered a shining star. Each kid is a model for this program, no matter their struggles. And there will be multiple people in the organization who will know a specific child’s story —what they want to be when they grow up, about their unique quirks and talents. Each and every kid is seen.
4. NUMBER FOUR: Community. Mitrata and BSF bring the kids in the program together multiple times a year to celebrate, check-in, have fun and bond… I have been lucky enough to get to be in Kathmandu when this happens… and I literally get high from it. High from the joy that these kids are experiencing. The older kids, who have already graduated are also included. They return to participate, to volunteer and Mitrata and BSF continue to illicit their feedback—so that they can progress in building a program that truly prepares Nepali young people to launch.
5. NUMBER FIVE: The ability to PIVOT & RALLY. In time of emergencies—which there have been many. The 2015 earthquake, COVID, dengue fever, the whims and regulations of the topsy-turvy Nepali government.
This is a crew of Problem Solvers— during the pandemic, every few months there were online gatherings with MItrata donors, and including Leena from BSF in Nepal to give us updates. Schools were closed and they were having to figure out how to safely deliver food, they were doing weekly calls, they were tracking the stability of each child and their family, despite the serious lockdowns in the country.
6. NUMBER SIX: Transparency. This organization is not afraid to discuss their challenges, because we are all in it together. No hubris here.
7. NUMBER SEVEN: They’re Organized. People, this organization has it together when it comes to finances, leadership and logistics! It is tight! I have been to board meetings… if only our own government could sit in for some lessons.
8. NUMBER EIGHT: Kids Launch when they are Ready. Rather than by a certain grade or age, Mitrata/BSF graduates kids out of the program when they have the solid footing to go out and be on their own—when they feel confident they can support themselves. And, if a Mitrata sponsee wants to be a doctor or nurse which takes more schooling… more money, we will help make it happen…
9. NUMBER NINE: The PEOPLE. Mitrata and BSF, attract phenomenal people. From the teachers at the Contact Center, the BSF Staff, their families, the loving and dedicated mid-westerners, the NW Mountain Climbing contingent— WE ARE A GOOD TIME! I love you!
I am hesitant to say it because it’s going to sound cliche, but to be a part of Mitrata is to be FAMILY, but like a really functional family, an organized, healthy family who really likes to do things together and get stuff done to make a difference.
10. NUMBER TEN: Mitrata fosters JOY.
*Purnima, as a younger kid, rarely, if ever smiled. It was like she carried the weight of her family’s poverty, the earthquake, the trauma on her back. Now, she Facetimes me, she shows off her report card, her smile is huge and real, she laughs. She has best friends.
Pawan and Purnima’s mother, Rabina, is illiterate and cleans the dorm rooms of migrant workers in Kuwait. But, Purnima and her brother, have hobbies, choices, confidence, and they have a future—being able to be a part of their lives, to witness their successes, brings me me JOY.
So, My original list was actually 16 things I love about Mitrata, but I have to wrap it up at some point. So, I am going to end with this invitation to GET INVOLVED, or to GIVE and to Give GENEROUSLY to Mitrata, so that we can continue with the cycle of joy!
Thank you! We are so grateful you are here!”