Read stories and updates from our work with the children of Nepal. To find our old newsletters from 2003 to 2018, visit the archive! Otherwise, click in the search bar below to locate blogs on a topics you’re interested in.

Learn more about Our Partner in Nepal
Over the years, as our partnership has strengthened and Mitrata has grown, BSF has grown as well. Just recently, due to the growing number of Mitrata sponsored children, BSF expanded to add two new staff members. With the addition of new staff members and our recent website updates, it was time for updated staff profiles on the “Our Partner in Nepal” page. The page was also updated to include more information about BSF, and links to other BSF blog posts!

Trivia Night was a Success!
Trivia Night 2022 was a success! Over $17,000 was donated for our Contact Center and COVID-19 relief supplies. Not to mention, it was a blast! We can’t wait for next year’s Trivia Night!

Last Chance to Register for Trivia Night!
Don’t miss out on Trivia Night! Today is your last chance to register your team!

Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Nepal: Looking Long-Term
Health, education, and financial security are all in jeopardy in Nepal both now as well as throughout the pandemic and in the future. We reflect on how we will carry out and expand our programs in the future.

Our Journey for 2022
Board President Jim Craig reflects on everything we have accomplished in 2021 and our main goals for 2022. Thank you for all of your support!
Reflecting On This Past Year
Dr. Christine Schutz, Executive Director, reflects on the past year’s struggles with COVID, the economy, and schooling in Nepal, while reflecting on BSF and Mitrata’s successes, including securing a new building for the expansion of our programs!

How We Move Forward From 2021
Executive Director and Founder Dr. Christine Schutz discusses Mitrata’s annual strategic planning meeting and our goals for the coming years.

Reaching Out: A Message from Our Sponsorship Team
Danny Williger and Pam Hughes, sponsorship committee co-chairs, give updates on our outreach efforts and sponsorship events to look forward to! Please reach out to us with any concerns, and save the date for the Sponsor Ice Cream Social on August 22nd!
Keeping Our Children Safe as COVID-19 Cases Soar in Nepal
Dr. Christine Schutz and Leena Satyal discuss the exponential increase in COVID cases and deaths in Nepal and give an update on our children and BSF staff.