Christmas Celebrations at the Contact Center

How should Maslow’s Hierarch of Needs look like through the eyes of the very little kids like we have at the Contact Center? Food, fun, presents, love, and attention; the Christmas celebrations at the Contact Center had all of these! The kids enjoyed the delicious Christmas cake, and they received a bunch of savory food from Santa.

With a surprise visit from Santa — our very own Lekhnath who is getting so much better in this once-a-year unofficial routine, just as he is so adept at numbers in his official role — there was so much frenzied excitement in the room where the children were merrily singing Christmas songs. Of course, Santa had some quick advice to the little children, too: be good, be kind, and enjoy learning.

The kids also received a warm fleece jacket for the winter and a pair of warm indoor slippers and a woolen cap. Lunch was special and delicious as the menu was a little elaborate than usual. There were a lot of free dances and some prepared performances by some of the kids and also from Sarita Darnal who is one of our recent graduates currently volunteering at the Contact Center.

Later, the kids did a runway show flourishing around the rooms in their new winter outfits. Christmas is also the last festival we celebrate together with our kids each year at the Contact Center and like every time it was the time to thank all of our hard working, passionate, and committed staffs of BSF for what they do for all of the children in the program round the year. Kudos!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2020!

— Yogesh Satyal


Learning to Read Maps


Keeping warm and sleeping well this winter