An Incredible Adventure

Last year, our NGO partner in Nepal, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation, began organizing educational trips and excursions outside Kathmandu for our students. These trips are important as the majority of our children have not had the opportunity to travel outside of their village, or the area of Kathmandu where they reside. Besides travel to and from school, their sense of their country is very limited. The goal of these trips are to broaden our students’ views and empower them to discover more about their culture, history, and the spectacular scenery of Nepal. 

To continue this objective, a few of our students were accompanied by the BSF staff on a three day Adventure Trip. Early in the morning on Thursday, June 27th, our 11th & 12th grade students and recent Secondary Education Exam (SEE) graduates set off on their adventure! This trip followed a trekking route from Sundarijal to Chisapani to Jhule to Jarshing Pauwa before ending in Nagarkot.

This trip was very special as the children and BSF staff embarked a three day hike mostly in and around Shivapuri National Park before eventually arriving in Nagarkot on Saturday afternoon. Though this trip demanded the students spend many hours hiking along mountain trails, they were still able to have plenty of fun and adventure!

Although the trip was physically demanding, and full of fun, it also provided immense learning value, specifically focusing on citizenship and character. The students also learned a some lessons on survival skills, as they actively took part in learning how to pitch tents and they prepared lunch by themselves on the second day of the trip.

We would like to thank the BSF staff who arranged this incredible experience for our students, and especially those who chaperoned the adventure! Their dedication to our children truly makes a difference in their lives and in the success of their futures.


A Mini Graduation


Sponsors: The Genies of Mitrata