Sponsors: The Genies of Mitrata

- 11 Children Currently Await a Sponsor to Grant their Wishes -

Each spring, Mitrata’s Contact Center, our early childhood education and school readiness program, graduates children who are ready to enter school. Mitrata seeks to match each child with a sponsor. Children with families who can support them at home attend private day schools. Those whose families cannot adequately provide for them attend excellent private boarding schools while maintaining family ties.

This year we have 11 young students who are moving from the Contact Center to private schools, each with a unique dream that has been shaped by their early childhood experiences. They range in age from 7 to 12. Each one of them carries the hope of a brighter future for themselves and for their families.

When they graduate from the Contact Center, each child is asked what they would ask for if they had three wishes. Their responses show both the depth of their need and the height of their dreams. Keep reading to get to know a few of this year’s graduates and their three wishes.

One of the children is a 9-year-old boy whose father is unable to work because of health problems.

His three wishes are to heal his father and make him healthy, to be knowledgeable, and that everyone could get to study.

He loves to read story books, and enjoys visiting the Fun Park, a small local children’s park in Kathmandu.

Another is an 8-year-old girl whose favorite color is purple and she wants to be a singer or dancer.

Her three wishes are to be a smart girl, to have good relationships with everyone, and to not be sad.

One is a 9-year-old boy who loves reading comic books, and is living with relatives because his father is deceased and his mother is ill. He said his hero is the uncle he lives with, because he’s loving and kind.

His three wishes are to be a doctor, to help helpless people, and to cure his mother’s leg.

A 9-year-old girl is also living with relatives, because both of her parents are working as laborers in India.

Her three wishes are to be with her mother and father, to make good friends, and to be able to study more.

Her favorite color is purple, and she loves to draw.

One girl, 8 years old, wants to be a teacher, and her favorite colors are red and green.

She said her three wishes are to see everyone happy, to study more, and for her mother to be loved by everyone.

And then there’s the 7-year-old girl who is living with her grandfather, because her father is deceased, and her mother left their home. Her favorite color is blue, and she loves to play hide and seek and read story books. She wants to do it all.

Her three wishes are to be a teacher, to be a doctor, and to be an engineer.

After experiencing unimaginable early loss, she seeks to use her talents to teach, heal and build.

These are unique children with their own stories, hopes, and dreams, but they have one need in common: a sponsor who will support their care and education as they grow and prepare to make their wishes come true.

Why not explore becoming a sponsor for one of these children, or for one of the other children whose need is equally critical? You can make a difference in the life of a child and help these children make their dreams and wishes come true.

Contact our Sponsorship Comittee Chair, Danny Williger, at sponsorship@mitrata.org. Check out the Mitrata sponsorship page and read more about what it means to be a child sponsor. Learn how you can provide the resources needed to create bright futures for children in need.

If you are unable to become a sponsor right now, our Miles for Mitrata Kids event is currently fundraising to support this year’s Contact Center graduates until they are fully sponsored. Sign up today by clicking the button below, and make an immediate difference in their lives.


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