WE DID IT — Great News for 2022

At the end of 2021, we set a goal to raise $30,000, which would be enough to buy a mid-sized, used, but well-maintained SUV for use by our partner organization in Nepal. Thanks to all of the generous gifts we received throughout the months of November and December in the form of individual donations and online Holiday Bazaar purchases, we are excited to announce that we have officially raised enough money to purchase an SUV! We received online bazaar orders of $8,360.25 and donations of $38,914.50. We so appreciate all of or supporter who helped us surpass our initial goal, for a total of $47,274.75 raised!

Purchasing a dependable SUV thanks to these combined gifts will allow the staff of our NGO partner BSF to travel into the rural neighborhoods and villages around Kathmandu that we serve for regular checks on children as well as for more urgent trips, such as health care emergencies. BSF staff will be able to more efficiently reach hostels and schools to transfer children and visit school caretakers and administrators to provide more academic oversight. One major problem in the past two years while we haven’t had a private vehicle for our staff and children has also been the high chance of COVID-19 exposure while riding on overcrowded buses and tuk-tuks, or small bicycle-powered taxis. Especially while vaccines and tests are still in short supply in Nepal, having a private vehicle to avoid additional exposure will be integral to keeping our children and staff safe and healthy.

After purchasing the SUV, we will use the remaining $17,274.75 to fund comprehensive auto insurance, annual government taxes, maintenance, and most importantly, an annual salary for an on-call driver. Navigating Nepali roads with hours-long congestion, limited road signs and traffic laws, weaving motorbikes and traffic, and rough rural roads all require an experienced driver. Having someone on staff will allow our BSF staff to then focus on the children while they travel to their destination. BSF staff will be shopping for the SUV early in 2022.

The success of this fundraiser further comes on the back of BSF’s move to a new, 3.5 story building with a yard where our Contact Center, after-school programs, and older children’s transition housing apartments. Outside of the larger space for programs, the outdoor area for play and enrichment and driveway for parking at the new building will be major improvements. BSF staff have already completed their move to the new space, and we are so excited to see how it helps them this year! Most importantly, each of these two major developments will make a significant difference in the lives of our children as we continue to expand our programs. Thank you for your continued support!

BSF completes their move, decorating, doing updates, and bringing all supplies to the new building!


Our Journey for 2022


Reflecting On This Past Year