Miles for Mitrata Kids Begins TOMORROW + Seattle Team Spotlight

Mitrata’s second new event of the year, Miles for Mitrata Kids, starts TOMORROW, September 1, and runs through September 30. This is an active, fundraising event to help buy educational supplies for our students this school year. With all of the normal stores in the Contact Center drained from COVID-19, the need is great this year. Please consider donating or getting involved in this event using the link below. We are so excited to be hosting a second, brand new event this year and are so grateful for your continued support!

A Spotlight on Team Seattle…

Len Kannapell, a Mitrata Fundraising Committee board member, is our leading Seattle team member this year. Len’s activity is tire flipping! His goal is do a whopping 1,000 tire flips for the month of September (50/day x 5 days/wk x 4 wks/mo). Len’s fundraising goal this year is $1,000 or $1 per tire flip.

As to why he chose tire flipping, Len says:

I sought to find the most meaningless and least productive exercise option - and believe I found it. A highly non-intellectually engaging activity, tire flipping clears my mind, and provides a safe outlet for exorcising latent hostilities.

In the past, Len Kannapell and fellow board member Ambrose Bittner have led a fundraiser mountain climb of Mt. Rainier or Mt. Baker together — Mitrata’s Climb for Himalayan Children. Ambrose began this fundraiser, and since its inception, the Climb funded Mitrata’s early education center, the Contact Center. COVID-19 restrictions meant that Mitrata could not host the Climb this year. However, the need in Nepal has only grown this year as the country re-enters a strict lockdown with all of the food insecurities and unemployment that are brought along with it.

Len had this to say about the necessity of donations this year:

I believe every dollar donated toward the needy children at our Contact Center helps them, through filling backpacks with necessities. A reminder to check if your employer can match your donation. Don't blink; donate today. And thank you for anything you can donate.

P.S. Help us humble St. Louis by donating heavily - and often - to Team Seattle. We can do it.


First-Hand Updates in Nepal + Yogesh Joins M4MK


Giving the gift of good health during reinforced lockdowns