Happy Thanksgiving!

Our sponsors and staff are back home in the United States, very ready to rest, recover, and… celebrate Thanksgiving! As we celebrate this year, there is so much for us to be thankful for; from celebrating 20 years of Mitrata, to traveling to Nepal for the first time in three years, our gratitude is overflowing.

“This year I am grateful for so many things, but especially our recent amazing trip to Nepal after 3 years! It had never occurred to me that I would be unable to travel there, which I had been doing since 2000. Even as I am now jetlagged from my return, I feel the joy of the touching, precious experiences with the children, the BSF staff and the brave sponsors and Mitrata staff who joined the trip. I am so aware of how important it is to not take anything for granted. There is nothing like the fear, loss and trauma of so big a world event as a pandemic to remind us of the unpredictability of life and heighten our appreciation for the many blessings in our lives.

In this 20th year of Mitrata, I am most grateful for the privilege of serving the children of Nepal. My work there has opened my heart and enriched my life in so many unexpected ways, through the amazing people I have met and the joyful new adventures I have experienced. I am grateful for the wonderful NGO partnership we have with BSF and for all the hard work they have done to keep our children safe and progressing on their educational paths despite so many obstacles. To say it was a challenge these last few years, is truly an understatement. Our children in Nepal not only struggled with the issues we have had in wealthy countries due to the pandemic, but they also faced the day-to-day challenges of living in a poor country without basic things such as clean water, hygienic toilets, the internet, electricity, heat, healthcare, and food. In my meetings with each child on this recent Nepal trip, I listened to their stories of survival and triumph over adversity these past few years and I was truly humbled and deeply touched. There were tears and hugs and so much love!

As of this year, we have graduated over 56 children into independence, and we continue with our plans next year to expand our programs to serve more children in need. I know this has only been possible because of you, our sponsors, and donors. So, from my heart to yours, hoping you can really feel my appreciation and gratitude, thank you for the caring support of these beautiful children, for your generosity that has lifted them out of the cycle of poverty, and for your commitment to Mitrata’s mission through the years. Happy Thanksgiving!”

— Dr. Christine Schutz

Executive Director and Founder


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