Goodbye to BSF staff, the Children and Friends in Kathmandu
We wrapped up another great trip to meet our children and work with BSF staff in oversight of our programs in Kathmandu. The last two days, older children visited us in the office in Sukedhara to say good bye and spend some time. It was a great joy to see so many of our older children out on their own in the world, pursuing their careers., working in good jobs, and succeeding!
Graduate Mamta shows her new website
To celebrate the end of our trip, we had a great dinner at Mike’s Restaurant in Lazimpat with the entire BSF staff and Lauren and Taylor who are volunteering at the Contact Center for two months. New friendships were made between Isaac Schmitt, photogragher on the trip, and the BSF staff with promises that he will return again to Kathmandu in the future.
With gratitude to BSF staff, volunteers, and all the hard working and amazing children we support, we start our journey back to the USA. We miss you all already!
L to R Lekhnath, Susmita, Sarita, Christine, Leena, Issac
Dinner at Mike’s
Dinner at Mike’s Restaurant
L to R Aleesh, Susmita, Graduates: Pratima and Pradip, Christine
Aleesh and Rick relax at the coffee shop
Christine and soon to graduate: Rekha