Giving Thanks


As we enter the holiday season, we want to thank YOU, our Mitrata family, for all you do to support Mitrata.

Your sponsorship, giving, volunteering, participating, and -of course- all your likes comments and shares, make everything we do possible. You enable us to make a difference in the lives of children in Nepal, and that is worth celebrating!

We would also like to acknowledge our NGO partner in Nepal, Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF). We are grateful for BSF’s unending commitment to our children’s health and education. Our children’s health and education would have suffered immensely throughout the COVID-19 pandemic if it wasn’t for their support and dedication. Because of them, our children have continued to succeed.

Each year, while in Nepal, we present the amazing BSF staff with a gift to show our appreciation. The gift may be small, but the depths of our appreciation is never ending.

In a similar way, the BSF staff gift our Sponsor Trip Participants with a Khata, or blessing scarf. The Khata is given as a symbol of honour and respect.

Without our partnership with our Mitrata Family in the USA, or with BSF in Nepal, Mitrata would not be what it is today. Thank you for your caring support of the Mitrata children, your generosity that has lifted them out of the cycle of poverty, and your commitment to Mitrata’s mission through the years. May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and love.

Please look for our upcoming blog, Giving Thanks to our Healthcare Partner, Karma Thalo Foundation.


Taking Charge of Me, Nepali Style


2023 Holiday Bazaar