We have an Instagram account!

We are excited this year to launch our Instagram account @MitrataNepal. This is a project that we have been working on for the past few months. We believe that this is an important platform for our global presence and a way to expand our social media. Instagram offers a different way to tell our story through the pictures that we take in Nepal, which can at once communicate our children’s successes and struggles, the extreme poverty in Nepal, the bond between sponsors and their kids, and our kids just being kids – playing, laughing, singing, dancing, and learning.

Posts will be uploaded at least once a week with content related to our programs and services in Nepal, upcoming events, and how to support Mitrata through donation and sponsorship. Being on Instagram will allow us to engage with a new audience, including with related Nepali groups or non-profits that serve the mission of education and empowerment. This is also the first project conducted by our first two future Mitrata Young Professionals Board members, Arianna and Audrey. They joined our digital media committee last year and immediately brought their strategic and organizational skills as well as their energy and creative thinking to this project. They said of launching Instagram: “Our strategy with the MNFC Instagram page is to provide more frequent and informal touchpoints with the community that complement and drive traffic to our website, blog, and Facebook pages.” 

Check out the posts already uploaded over the past few weeks and follow us for more @MitrataNepal. Thank you, Arianna and Audrey, for all your hard work in establishing this account! We are excited to increase our reach this way and to tell the story of why and how we work in Nepal.


Save the Date for Trivia Night 2020!


Our Wish for a Wonderful New Year