Shopping with a Purpose

Armed with an extensive shopping list and a strong sense of style, brave shoppers Mamta (a former Mitrata sponsee) and Stephanie (Mamta’s sponsor from 2002-2013) had a marathon (9 hours!) shopping session. Slaphappiness set in after 7 hours. Exhaustion hit soon after. They bought so much that kind Prakash, a wholesale shop owner, had to load his motorcycle with all of the goods and make two deliveries to the hotel.

Today’s purchases:

Small statues

Costume jewelry

Singing bowls and cymbals

Clothing (women’s and men’s)

Holiday garland and ornaments

Hats, socks, gloves


Dog poncho (because, slaphappiness)

Special thanks to Mamta for her assistance with finding the best shops, helping to select merchandise, haggling for the “Nepali price”, arranging the delivery, and for being delightful company!

Mamta haggling

All textiles and clothing were made by these men in a clean and airy sewing shop. 

Cutest felt ornaments for the holidays

Prakash delivers our haul to the hotel

Stephanie collapses in a heap


Zootopia, Fashion, and Holiday Traffic


Testing My Heart, Mind and Body