Register NOW for Miles for Mitrata Kids
We had a groundbreaking year in 2020 with our first-ever virtual Trivia Night and Holiday Bazaar. And on top of it all, we decided to launch a new event that would help people to continue their health goals during the COVID-19 pandemic, socially distance, AND support our children in Nepal during these urgent times. We raised over $23,000 in our first annual Miles for Mitrata Kids and are excited to continue the event this year.
Join Team St. Louis……
…..or Team Seattle!
Run, bike, walk, or hike with Team Seattle or Team St. Louis and help us reach our $30,000 goal this year, $1 for each mile it would take to reach Kathmandu from Seattle or St. Louis, a symbolic gesture of reaching out to our children during this difficult year. All proceeds from Miles for Mitrata Kids will benefit the Contact Center, Mitrata's early childhood center which serves our most vulnerable and at-risk children during a critical period of their lives. Over the past year, the Contact Center has served as a distribution point for emergency packs and school supplies to our most at-risk families, a meeting point for small, socially distanced classes for tutoring kids, and as temporary housing and an isolation space while the older children returning to Kathmandu from their villages are tested for COVID-19 before reentering school hostels.
A year after the start of pandemic lockdowns in Nepal, the Contact Center is preparing to reopen. Proper sanitation measures, social distancing, and small group meetings will be needed in order to keep our staff and kids safe and healthy. Implementing these changes requires extra work and supplies, and that's where YOU come in! By joining Miles for Mitrata Kids, you will help us raise these critical funds through the month of June to prepare us for reopening the Contact Center and pivoting to whatever 2021 brings our way. Registration is free, and everyone who fundraises $100 or more will receive a free t-shirt! Kids who register and fundraise $25 will receive a commemorative patch for their backpacks or jackets!
All of our event sponsors! We are so thankful for such amazing support!
And a HUGE thank you to all of our event sponsors! Our event sponsors are integral to the success of Miles for Mitrata Kids. This is only our second year of this event, and we are so grateful to all of these local Seattle and St. Louis business who have stepped up to show their support of our mission.