Leaving a Legacy
Dr. Nancy Williger has been a prominent member of the Mitrata family for the past 22 years. In 2002, Dr. Christine Schutz was planning to travel to Nepal, and told Nancy she wanted to do something for the children there. Nancy had previously traveled to Nepal and knew firsthand the challenges the children in Nepal were facing. Nancy willingly volunteered to sponsor a child, if Christine could find one in need of her help. Little did she know, she was volunteering to be Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children’s first ever Child Sponsor.
From there she also became a founding board member, and went on to serve as the Board President for many years. In 2020 Nancy stepped down from her role as Board President and into the role of Past President. This year, in 2024 Nancy has made the decision to retire from the Mitrata Board of Directors.
Below, you will find a few quotes from individuals who have served Mitrata alongside Nancy, have learned from Nancy, and would like to wish her well in her future endeavors. These quotes help to paint a picture of just how much she has impacted Mitrata and the people in the Mitrata family. Although we are sure she will remain a consistent presence at Mitrata events and gatherings, she will be missed greatly on the board.
From the beginning you jumped right in to be the first child sponsor. I am eternally grateful for your trust and support in taking that leap with me. Through the years your guidance, leadership and hard work as board member and president has made Mitrata what it is today. There are so many fond memories of our trips to Nepal, countless hours sharing about Mitrata and what to do about the many challenges we faced. You always showed unwavering dedication to our mission, compassion while witnessing the dire circumstances of the children, and a willingness to help the children meet their dreams. I will never forget the time we decided to send Sudan to medical school, when we had no idea how we would pay for it! When I called you, you again jumped right in and said yes, we have to do that! And wow- we found a way to help him be an accomplished doctor in Nepal! Your thoughtful and compassionate friendship puts the true meaning in the name of Mitrata. I could not have done it without you my dear friend! And I look forward to continuing to work with you on the Nancy Williger legacy Circle, another amazing gift you have given to Mitrata.
With love and gratitude forever,”
Dr. Christine Schutz
Executive Director and Founder
“Dear Nancy,
When I retired from work life, my team gave me a word cloud of the adjectives that best described me as a person and leader. I loved that concept, so I’m using that to create my own word cloud for you. Nancy, you are: Selfless, Inspirational, Caring, Open, Thought- provoking, Strong, Kind, Empathetic, Pragmatic, Assertive, Witty and Fun! I have enjoyed working with you, and while your presence will be missed on the Board, I know you won’t be far away. Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us and for your many contributions over the years, but most of all for your Mitrata love. ”
“Looking back at the trajectory of Mitrata-BSF evolution, Nancy filled in every role that she was asked to whole heartedly. There was a clear through-line. Her characteristic authenticity, empathy, and generosity were matched by her equally admirable leadership qualities like clarity, focus, pragmatism and agency, and most of all her ability to unfailingly rise to the occasion. By providing solid stewardship for many important initial years to Mitrata - from its inchoate stage to a much robust institution that it is today – Nancy has not only etched an indelible mark but has carved out a veritable place for herself in Mitrata’s journey of 20 plus years. Although she may be retiring from the board she will always be one of the guiding stars helping us navigate our way forward and stay the course and stay committed.”
Leena & Yogesh Satyal
Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation,
“Dear Nancy,
It is always bittersweet when a valued member of a team decides to leave, because we know we will miss your contributions but want to wish you well. Thinking about how to quantify and qualify your many, many achievements through the years, and I can’t do either with justice, reminds me that contributions are sometimes visible and sometimes, less so. You have assumed multiple leadership roles within Mitrata, have been a vocal thought leader through the years, and have created at least one legacy with the Nancy Williger Legacy Circle. But there have been other contributions that are less visible, such as when you ask difficult questions in a committee meeting (which needed to be asked) or provided a passionate response in a discussion which helped to reinforce our collective mission. We have all learned from you, been guided by you and have benefitted from your many contributions to Mitrata and the children we support. Thank you so very much, and best wishes!!!!”
At the 2024 December Board Meeting, the board presented Nancy with a photo book that included photos throughout her many years of involvement with Mitrata. It also included the above quotes from members of the board, as well as quotes from many others.
Thank you, Nancy, for your many years of service to Mitrata, and for the legacy you have left! Your presence on the Mitrata Board of Directors will be greatly missed.