LAST WEEK of Miles for Mitrata Kids

Thank you to all participants and donors! With everything happening in 2020, we weren’t sure what event we were going to be able to host when it became clear that the Climb for Himalaya Children could not be conducted this year.

With the first-time, month-long event coming to a close, we have been astounded by our participants and donors who have really stepped up to make this event a success.

In times like this, we are reminded and humbled to be able to fundraise for our children in Nepal who are weathering this pandemic and change in life remarkably well, supported by BSF and their dedicated staff. Our children receive telephone communication and check-ins about homework, counseling, and support in the form of necessary supplies their families may otherwise be unable to purchase for themselves. This event is about them: our children who have achieved amazing academic accomplishments over the year. It is about providing them with the educational supplies to succeed over this school year and whatever it may bring. Now more than ever it’s important for our children to remain engaged in their education. That means supplies, books, and equipment: some of these supplies would normally be provided to our children through our Contact Center, but as with most things, this is different this year. The Contact Center supplies are depleted from March and April, and our children need lots of supplies to continue to advance in their classes.


Holiday Bazaar Announcement & Thanking M4MK Sponsors, New T-Shirts!


NEW Music Released to Benefit Mitrata!