BSF Staff Kicks Off 2018
Our partner organization in the Nepal, the Bhuvaneshwori Satyal Foundation (BSF), staff met to share stories of 2017 and take time to focus on their needs and plans to grow personally and as an organization in the new year. BSF Board President Yogesh Satyal shares his thoughts on their get together. We are eternally grateful for our partnership and shared vision for our children.
"At the beginning of the year, everyone in the group needs something that points them in a direction and brings the personalities together and everyone does their best work.
As much as we are happy about the year that went by quite successfully we now aim for even higher goals in 2018. For that we feel it is imperative that we acquire and nurture a "growth mindset" by learning new skills, implementing improvements on a continuous basis and flourishing in our individual roles.
While "Child first" constitutes our most basic value we now add another important layer by adopting "growth mindset" as we excitedly and fervently look forward to 2018."