After-School Program Successes!

This spring we began offering an after-school program at the Contact Center to help parents who work until the evenings. Now our partner in Nepal, BSF, reports that the program is gaining strength and getting livelier by the day.

From around 3 to 6 p.m., the children study and learn in a playful and caring environment in the presence of loving teachers who guide them through their school lessons and engage them in numerous interesting creative activities everyday. Older Mitrata children also tutor the younger ones with supervision from teachers. This has been a great improvement for the children because they can learn and play into the evening and continue to be engaged after their normal school day is over and because it helps connect the older kids in our program with the younger ones. Perhaps most importantly, though, it is another way we can help our children get the fundamental care they need by providing them a protein-rich, nutritious after school snack.

Especially important to us is that the parents of the families we support can work to provide for their families without having to stress and worry about their kids at home. Instead, our children are sheltered and supervised at the Contact Center until their parents arrive home in the evening. We also hope to see positive impacts on their BMI levels from the new, after school snack program.

We are so excited to see such positive results from this program as all of in Nepal and the U.S. are continually looking for ways to better serve all of the families involved with our organization. We are looking forward to seeing this program expand in the future as we gear up to our Contact Center expansion and many more exciting things to come!

Our sincerest thanks, as always, to our wonderful donors, sponsors, and volunteers who make these successes possible!


Contact Center Evaluation & Tracking System Completed!


We Are Now Finishing Up Our Half-way Point and Time Is Flying By!