2025 St. Louis Trivia Night
Saturday, April 26, 2025
Doors open at 6:00pm | Trivia begins at 7:00pm
IBEW Local 1 Hall
5850 Elizabeth Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63110

Making a Difference One Child at a Time
It's our mission to educate and empower severely underprivileged children to reach their full potential as citizens of Nepal. We strive to maximally impact the lives of these children who in turn contribute to their community.
We provide individualized education, housing, healthcare, early childhood development and support services such as nutrition/hygiene, counseling, empowerment programs, scholarships and career development.
We are excited to be hosting our Sponsor Trip to Nepal from October 31 - November 17, 2025. We invite you to join us on this trip to experience a different culture, meet the Mitrata children, and learn more about the beautiful country of Nepal! Fill out the form at the end of the blog for more information.
Calling all St. Louis members of the Mitrata family! Please join us on Saturday, April 26, 2025 for eight rounds of fun, multimedia pop culture trivia including a Fund-a-Need auction and a pop-up bazaar of fair trade items from Nepal.
Join us for the 2nd Annual Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children Seattle Trivia Night! March 8, 2025. The Mountaineers Seattle Program Center: 7700 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Doors Open: 6:00 p.m., Trivia Begins: 7:00 p.m.
2024 was a very busy year for Mitrata. As an organization, we were able to accomplish many of our goals, and we are looking forward to a new series of goals focused on providing long-term sustainability for Mitrata and BSF through at least 2030.
Dr. Nancy Williger has been a prominent member of the Mitrata family for the past 22 years. This year, she announced her retirement from the Mitrata Board of Directors.
We are reaching out to you with a heartfelt request for support as we work to address a critical gap in our healthcare services through the rest of this year and in 2025. Please consider giving today. 100% of every monetary gift and the profits from merchandise purchases will go directly toward funding their healthcare needs.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the 2024 Holiday Bazaar! We had 200+ shoppers and were able to raise $22,000!
One of the most anticipated days in the lives of all our Students is Graduation from the Mitrata and BSF programs. When a student graduates from Mitrata, it is because they are fully self-sufficient and no longer need sponsorship.